
To maintain a valid J-1 status, all international students and their dependents must follow:

  • Report to the Shuford Center for 全球赌博十大网站 any change in your telephone numbers, 电子邮件地址, 实际和电流U.S. 地址和活动地点如有更改,请在10天内通知.
  • Maintain a full course of study and satisfactory academic progress if participating in academic year-long exchange.
  • 避免非法雇佣.
  • Maintain insurance coverage that meets the requirements explained on page two of the DS-2019 throughout your stay in the U.S.


重要的是要记住所有的交流访问者, 无论是J项目的学生还是学者, 有特定的计划要完成吗. Your immigration record and your program have both a begin date and an end date when you are scheduled to have completed your original program and objective.

  • SEVIS记录

    SEVIS记录的任何方面都应随着信息的变化而更新. 这可能涉及到申请延期. The request for an extension must be made in a timely manner so it can be granted before the end date of the program. Extensions cannot be granted during the grace period after the end of the program.

  • 离开早

    Sometimes circumstances in academic or personal life may prevail over program pursuits and the need arises to end a program earlier than planned. 为了适当地结束SEVIS记录, 舒福德中心需要和你谈谈你的计划. We can help you consider the requirements of J-1 visa status and avoid negative consequences to an immigration record.

    If you simply stop attending school, your record will be terminated as required by law. Termination can seriously affect chances for successful future applications for U.S. 移民身份.

    请注意,J项目不允许有空档. You must be continuously enrolled in a full course of study, or fully engaged in their program.

  • 两年居住要求

    有很多J级的交流访问者, 包括J-2家属, are subject to what is commonly referred to as the two-year rule or two-year residence requirement. 签证和I-94卡的监管引用是212(e)。.

    每次J身份的交流访问者从美国国务院获得签证.S. 国外领事馆, the consulate should indicate on the DS-2019 form and/or the visa if the person is subject to the two-year rule. 

    The indication on the DS-2019 form occurs in the bottom left box of the DS-2019 form for endorsement of the consular officer. Extensions and amended forms issued by LR will generally not include this indication until you apply for a visa abroad. The notation on the visa will generally say something like "two-year rule applies" or "212(e) does not apply". 偶尔, 领事馆不会标记这两份文件, 但如果适用,该规定仍将有效.

    两年的规则适用于你,如果你收到了美国.S. or foreign government funding specifically intended for international educational exchange or if your specialty appears on a skills list for your last country of permanent residence. 

    If your field appears on the list for your country of last permanent residence, you should return to that country for a period of two years before applying for any type of immigrant visa, 包括H, L, 或者永久居留权. 

    在美国以外度过的时间.S., 但不是在最后一个永久居住的国家, 不符合两年规定吗.


    • H和L 
    • 任何形式的永久居留权(包括美国配偶).S. 公民或永久居民及多元化签证抽签中奖者)
    • 在留在美国的情况下,改变任何其他身份.S.

    两年的规定不影响非移民身份的资格, 比如b级游客, 一名外交官, f级学生或j级交换访问学者. 

    The form I-539 does not allow those who are subject to the two-year rule to submit the form for a change of status while remaining in the U.S. 

    如果你想改变你的状态, you must either receive a waiver of the two-year rule or apply for a new status at a U.S. 国外领事馆. 有关豁免问题的更多信息,请访问 U.S. 国务院 网站.

    Please note that once the 国务院's recommendation for approval of a waiver is received by a sponsor, 不允许再延长J国身份.

  • 保险

    维持有效的J-1身份, you and any dependents must maintain insurance coverage that meets the requirements outlined on page two of the DS-2019 form.

    The insurance offered by LR meets these requirements and will automatically be purchased on your behalf and billed to you unless (for scholars only) proof of alternative insurance that meets all requirements is provided. Additional information about the specifics of coverage may be requested at any time and will be provided via email upon request.

  • 课程

    为了保持有效的J-1身份,学生必须完成完整的课程学习. Full-time enrollment for undergraduates at LR is defined for immigration purposes as 12 hours minimum during fall or spring semester, with none of those course credits earned through enrollment in a fully online course, 对于毕业生来说,最少9个小时. 

    If you are enrolled for a full academic year, you must also maintain satisfactory progress.

    Registered students may add or drop a course during the drop/add period in the first week of classes, 只要保持满课就行. 在删除/添加周期之后, 你必须事先获得世界动物卫生组织的授权才能减少课程负担. 

    Immigration regulations allow an immigration officer (the international education director) to authorize reduced enrollment for J students for the following specific reasons only:

    1. 一个真实的学术原因,由学术顾问以书面形式证明
    2. Medical condition defined by a licensed physician or psychologist/psychiatrist

    学生 sponsored by International Student Exchange Programs (ISEP) must consult ISEP’s immigration officers regarding procedures and program rules for dropping below a full course of study.

  • 未经授权的就业

    为了保持有效的J-1身份,你必须避免非法就业. It is important to understand that employment is any type of work performed or service provided in exchange for any benefit, 包括但不限于:

    • 学费
    • 费用
    • 供应 
    • 食宿. 

    工作可能包括非正式的辅导, 保姆, or teaching someone to drive or play a musical instrument if an exchange of benefits is involved.

    任何工作(包括带薪和无薪实习), 获得学分, (不包括学分)在没有具体书面授权的情况下完成, 并在SEVIS中授权, from the program sponsor (LR or ISEP) indicated in box two of the DS-2019 form is illegal.

    We do not allow on-campus work for J-1 students and only allow off-campus work in rare cases where academic training (paid or unpaid training specifically in your field of study) is deemed an essential and integral part of your academic program at LR.